miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

TRANS: The poetics and Politics of crossing in the US

Los días 20 al 22 de marzo se va a celebrar en la Universidad de La Laguna, el 11º Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Estados Unidos de América (SAAS)

"Transcending roles and borders, as well as physical and mental boundaries, has always been a primary motif in the narrative of the United States of America. Coming across the "Other"—either by pioneering into new territories, traveling East and West, South and North; or by colonizing/contacting/contesting other cultures, languages, identities— has resulted in complex and problematic experiences of crossing. The 11th SAAS International Conference, to be held at La Laguna University, Tenerife, aims at exploring those transits in order to understand the American practice of transgressing limits and crossing real and metaphorical, political and cultural borderlands."

Más información en la web de la Facultad  y en el blog Trans con el programa del congreso.

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